They are big, they are chunky (perfect for little hands!), they are colorful (hello, great for teaching colors naturally!!), and oh, can we ever build with them! MEGA Bloks
It says so right on the packaging (a durable bag with a zipper that can be used over and over again---great for taking to Grandma's house, too!), the possibilities are endless and I have to say, we have not yet come close to getting bored with our Bloks. We build horsies, barns, characters from our favorite tv shows and books, family members, cars, even food!
These Bloks are perfect for boys or girls, which is always nice for play dates, siblings and family gatherings--they can ALL enjoy it!
Want to know something even cooler? MEGA Bloks
How about more cool news??? Mega Bloks is giving you the chance to win an 80-piece set!!!!!! All you have to do is leave a comment here telling me your name, email address, and what you would do with an 80-piece set of Mega Bloks! This contest will run until Sunday, 10/24 at 11:59pm eastern time. Please leave only one comment, multiple comments will not be counted. The winner will be chosen using, a random number generator, and they will be emailed Monday, 10/25. Tell all your friends!!!!
All opinions are 100% my own. MEGA Bloks
Kristine Gasiewski
I would use these mega blocks to practice colors and fine motor skills. They also look like a great toy to take when traveling on vacation!
Kate Kolbe
Babygirl and I would build the tallest tower in all the land!
Great giveaway! I'd whip these out & make a pattern tower the boys have to replicate! Little miss would love to get in on the fun & knock someones tower down afterwards! ;)
All these great ideas! I would use them to build *houses* (aka car ports for Chuck and his friends, and anything else on wheels C can get his hands on!) We love to build!
smriel2 (at) gmail -dot- com
I would store them away for the arrival of the new baby in May!! Never too early to collect great products.
These are great! My daughter loves hers. Would be great to have more for her. The blog looks great! Michelle bernstm1 at gmail dot com
Build a robot!
Oooh, Little miss B would love to have these. She loves building towers with my jewelry boxes and it would be great to make some with *real* blocks. :)
kdsnowpixi at hotmail dot com
Lisa Fink
fink_girls at yahoo dot com
Since my kids are older, it would be good to have something like this for when younger kiddos come to play.lings
My daughter and I would LOVE to build with these- houses, buildings, towers, horse barns. Although I'm sure whatever I could build she could find a way to destroy it!
Michelle Strauss
My son and I would have a blast buliding towers and knocking them over. He would also probably tell me the color of each block he touches.
Charlene Fisher
Zoey is at the age where she loves to build towers out of everything. These blocks would be great to help with color recognition and counting along with building her towers!
Jess Brown
perfect for Peyton in a little bit!
angelique [dot] buckley [at] gmail [dot] com
I would have my first toy for my BOY!!!
We would build and build and build...but mostly C would try to eat them and drool all over them:)
Kristin Arnwine
My son, Hunter, LOVES to build also. It would be great to have these for working on fine motor and balancing!
My almost-2-year-old loves to build things up and then knock them down, of course! Did I mention he's 100% boy? :)
triabullard at gmail dot com
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